I am a third-year Ph.D. student in the LEVIR lab. at Beihang University, advised by Prof. Zhenwei Shi and Prof. Zhengxia Zou.
My research involves deep learning, computer vision, remote sensing image processing, and multimodal.
Previously, I completed my B.S. and M.S. degree in Image Processing Center at Beihang University. My biography is here.
I am actively looking for a postdoc position (expected to graduate in 2025.12)!
- [Jan. 2025] FunSR and RSMamba becomes ESI Highly Cited Papers.
- [Dec. 2024] Awarded the Baosteel Scholarship Special Prize, given to ten graduate students nationwide.
- [Nov. 2024] STT becomes an ESI Highly Cited Paper.
- [Jul. 2024] RSMamba becomes a Popular Article of GRSL.
- [Jul. 2024] RSPrompter becomes an ESI Highly Cited Paper and a Hot Paper.
- [May 2024] RSPrompter becomes a Popular Article of TGRS.
- [May 2024] Funded by NSFC on Youth Basic Research Project (Ph.D. Student) 获得首批国家自然科学基金青年学生基础研究项目(博士研究生)资助.
- [Jan. 2024] Two papers are accepted by TGRS (IF=8.2) in 2024.
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- [Dec. 2023] My google scholar citations have exceeded 2000! 🎉🎉
- [Dec. 2023] Two papers are accepted by TGRS (IF=8.2) in 2023.
- [Oct. 2023] A paper is accepted by TCSVT (IF=8.4).
- [Feb. 2023] A paper is accepted by CVPR.
- [Feb. 2023] Our object detection survey becomes an ESI Highly Cited Paper and a Hot Paper.
- [Feb. 2023] Object detection survey becomes a Popular Article of Proceedings of the IEEE.
- [Jan. 2023] My google scholar citations have exceeded 1000! 🎉🎉
- [Jan. 2023] Our survey on object detection is accepted by Proceedings of the IEEE (IF=20.6).
- [Dec. 2022] Three papers are accepted by TGRS (IF=8.2) in 2022.
Mailing Address: 9 GaoJiaoYuan Nan San Jie, Changping District, Beijing, China
Email: kychen(at)buaa.edu.cn
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